报 告 人:Shizhe (Allen) Zang
时 间: 2019年8月16日(周五)下午 2: 30 – 3: 30
地 点:立博(中国)ladbrokes-官方网站N5楼349室
Due to the strong potential of IoT and computing demand, computing service providers are aware of its excellent market opportunity. In this work, we examine new pricing plans for computing services that jointly consider communication and computing costs in mobile devices. From the perspective of users, we aim to solve an online reservation problem where the future usage of computing and communication resources are unknown. We propose a deterministic and plan reservation algorithm to help users minimize their cost by making plan reservation decisions (when to purchase which plan). We further propose a plan pricing design guideline for service providers based on the user behavior of our proposed algorithms. The performance of our algorithms is validated by trace driven simulations.
Shizhe (Allen) Zang received the B.E. degree (University Medal) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, in 2015. He is currently a 4th year Ph.D. Candidate in the Centre of Excellence in IoT and Communications of the University of Sydney. He is supervised by Prof. Yonghui Li and also works with Prof. Branka Vucetic. His research focuses on Internet of Things, distributed computing, and distributed learning. He has published 3 IEEE journals (IEEE TCOM, JSAC, and VTM) and various conference papers. His research is supported by Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship and he received Dean’s Prize List Prize as well as University Academic Merit Prize during his undergraduate study.