题目:Graphene mode locked ultrafast fiber lasers
报告人: Prof. Tang Dingyuan
Nanyang Technological University
Prof. Tang is currently in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering since July, 2000. He received his Bachelor degree in Physics from Wuhan University, China, Master degree in Optics from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechnics, Chinese Academy of Science, China, and Ph.D. degrees from the Hannover University, Germany,respectively. His research interests include laser physics and engineering, nonlinear optics and dynamics, ultrafast optics, nano optics, and optics communications. He has done excellent research work in his research areas and published over 140 top quality international journal papers. He has been often invited as a committee member or referee and reviewer for a number of premier conferences and journals, including Physical Reveiw Letters, Physical Review A & E, Optics Letters, Optics Express, etc. Dr. Tang is a member of Optical Society of America.